Some of the more confusing commercial motor vehicle (CMV) rules and regulations revolve around trip permits, IFTA fuel tax, and IRP. Along with Federal laws and regulations, carriers must also be aware of the legal requirements each state imposes on CMVs. Rinehart and Associates can help with your IFTA and IRP questions.

We offer the following

  • Obtain temporary plates for your new units and renew your International Registration Plan (IRP), International Fuel Tax Agreement (IFTA fuel tax) and mileage tax accounts
  • Reduce the labor and time required in maintaining your records
  • Understand the various types of temporary permits, including:
    • Trip Permits
    • Fuel Permits
    • Over Dimensional and Over Weight Permits
  • Centralize your trip permit, fuel tax, and licensing information for efficient fleet management
  • Know when any exemptions apply to you
  • And much more

Have Questions? Contact Us Today